Dead off Break

Dead off Break started as a team that wasn't even sure we wanted to compete in VRML. Anthony & myself (Reliable Random) started playing basically right before Season 2 started. Got invited to a team and then a week before the season was to begin were left with the team by ourselves as the others left for bigger/better teams. I took control of the team and started recruiting. Streamlining the recruitment process as the season was about to being. LawGoon was the last pickup and it quickly became apparent we had struck gold.

I changed the name to Dead off Break as a sort of self deprecating joke. The meaning to the team has since changed as we've become an extremely deadly team off the break. Anthony wanted the name to be Dead on Break. But since I joined the team first (only because he didn't have his nationality set on the website), I had full control.

I thought "off" sounded better and had the team vote on it. "Off" won pretty decisively.

DoB ended Season 2 in 4th and ended 5th in the tournament. But showed a glimpse of their potential when they put up a great fight against the soon to be winners of Season 2, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot.

With the addition of Silent Strike, s1lence, and Sticky Bandit after the conclusion of Season 2, the team was ready to shift into the next gear. Shifting to the next gear was an understatement. DoB went undefeated throughout the season and playoffs. Winning the Championship.

Mini-Documentary of Season 3 found here:

After Season 3, Anthony retired from play and the team picked up turbo as a replacement.

Season 4 DoB went undefeated throughout the season and playoffs winning the Championship once again in a similar dominant fashion.

Currently with a 24 game win streak. (As of the end of Season 4 )

Selected season
Stats of Season 6 - 2024
0 0 0 0 0% +0
Map stats of Season 6 - 2024
No maps information could be found
Past matches of Season 6 - 2024