Hello Everyone!
As many of you know, finals are taking place this weekend! We apologize for the delay in details, but they are here!
Event Times
NA: and .
Format and Teams
NA: Tomorrow, Saturday May 20, will be a double elimination bracket with Reaper’s Death, DrainE, AXIOM, and PYRO fighting to play Sunday against the auto-qualified teams.
Sunday, May 21, the top 2 teams from Saturday will play the 2 auto-qualified teams, Havoc Hellfire and Havoc Food Men, in a double-elimination bracket.
NA Brackets:
Day 1: https://challonge.com/VRMLUltS1NAQual
Day 2: https://challonge.com/UltimechsS1Championships
Ultimechs VRML Channel 1: https://twitch.tv/ultimechs_vrml
EU Finals: As there are only 2 teams in the EU region, and 1 team can not make it to VRML Con, there will not be an EU Finals. Nyffin auto-qualifies and will be playing at VRML Con.
VRML Con: The first place team from NA Finals and Nyffin will be flown out and housed by VRML to Denver, CO to play at VRML Con. This match will take place June 3, 2023, and streamed to VR Master League channel at 6 pm MT.
Good luck to all teams and have fun!!
What will you win this season?
TLDR: Cash prizes, in-game banners, merch, and a chance to compete on stage at VRML CON 2023 in June!
The upcoming Season of Ultimechs will conclude with the top team of each region (EU and NA) getting flown out to VRML CON where they will play on a stage, live in front of an audience. In case you missed it, VRML is hosting its first LAN event in Denver, Colorado at the McNichols Civic Center. Even if you aren't participating, you are welcome to join us at the event! You'll be able to spectate some quality VR esports, hang out with fellow VR gamers, and meet some of us!
Buy tickets to VRML CON 2023 here: http://vrml.gg/LANTickets
1 ticket covers entry for both days
Current details: https://vrmasterleague.com/News/8u7lNxX1-S8C2eVYVKC4uA2
Season 1 will have a prize pool of $500 along with in-game banners and exclusive official merch added to the mix. Once the VRML Season finishes, the top teams will be invited to the playoffs in both regions, where they will fight for their ticket to VRML CON.
Register soon! Season begins February 27th!
See you in the arena.
Ultimech VRML's 1st full season is in 2 weeks! Read up on the format, important dates, and how to sign up.
Make sure you take note of these dates!
The season is 11 weeks of regular matches and 1 week of post-season tournaments to determine the Finalists and who qualifies for VRML CON 2023. Every week during the regular season, teams will get assigned 2 opponents and schedule to play a match within that week. An extra challenge match may be played with a player within your skill-level. New players will not have a visible MMR score. They will need to play 3 matches to be placed on the ladder and perhaps a 4th to determine the color of their star. More information about the ranking system and the divisions can be found in the Rules and in Discord.
As a reminder Season 1 will not be cross region. Matches will not be generated cross region however if you wish you play a team from a separate region you may challenge them still.
Post-season starts May 20th. More information about these events, in-game rewards, and prize pool will be made available soon!
A player may sign up at anytime during the season. Some restrictions may apply regarding the qualification of teams for the post-season events.
Here is your Squad Up Checklist:
1. Are you in the Discord server? If not, right this way http://discord.gg/ultimechs
2. Are you looking for a team? Check out the recruitment channels in Discord and contact team captains in your region. https://vrmasterleague.com/Ultimechs/Recruiting
3. Already got a squad? Create a team! https://vrmasterleague.com/Ultimechs/Register Make sure you've assigned your team captain and co-captain their roles and that at least one of you is in the Support Server https://discord.gg/48JWECFQy7
4. Have your teammates read the rules? Make sure to read them and then read them again here: https://vrmasterleague.com/Ultimechs/Rules Any updates to the rules will be announced in Discord. Feel free to ask questions!
5. Is your team set to "Active"? Make sure your team is activated prior to Monday, January 16th to get matches. The admins may put all teams as "inactive" this week to make sure there are no false starts when matches are generated.
6. Have fun!
Last but not least, follow us on all our social media to not miss casted match announcements, clipped plays, and general VR esports goodness!
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Ultimechs_VRML
Facebook: https://facebook.com/@VRMasterLeague
Instagram: https://instagram.com/@VRMasterLeague
TikTok: https://tiktok.com/@vrmasterleague
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQEo-YzHmlfjqGanoWuT8KQ/videos
See you in the arena!
Ultimechs VRML is coming to a close on its Pre-Season with a 2 weekend finals!
Tune into https://twitch.tv/ultimechs_vrml this weekend at EST and EST along with next weekend at EST and EST to watch the conclusion live and watch us crown a ULTIMECHS VRML CHAMPION.
Up for grabs? Resolution Games unveiled that they will be rewarding Pilots who participated in the Pre-Season with an exclusive in-game player banner to show off to other players!!
Weekend one will consist of a Finals Qualifier between the following teams:
Reaper's Death
Run It Back
These teams are ranked tween 7-12 on the ladder and they will compete head to head in a Round Robin type format where the top two teams will move onto finals on weekend two. The Finals Qualifier can be found here https://challonge.com/UltimechsQual
Weekend two will consists of the Grand Finals, The top six teams will auto qualify to play in this along with the top two from the Finals Qualifier. The following teams for finals are as follows:
Havoc Hellfire
The Food Men
Fist of Steel
Fire & Ice
99th Pursuit Squadron
Winner 1 from Finals Qualifier Winner 2 from Finals Qualifier These teams will compete in a double elimination format for the title of Ultimechs VRML Champion. The Grand Finals bracket can be found here https://challonge.com/UltimechsPreSeasonChampionshipVRML
Good luck to all our participants!
Hello there and thank you for your time to go through with this interview! Would you introduce yourself to the readers for me?
Hi I am 24 not two four but 24 which is a very good number.
What do you think are your fellow teammates biggest strengths?
Dribbling the ball and shooting.
Where do you see the team (Havoc Hellfire) being in the future?
Hopefully winning tournaments.
What made you get into Ultimechs and into VRML as a whole?
I originally played Blaston which was created by the same people and since I was known in the community I chose to stick around and as far as VRML goes I am a very competitive person so I enjoy competing with others.
What tips could you give to potential new players looking to get into the game?
Practice a lot and try to improve at the game.
Thanks for answering the questions, have an amazing day!
Hello there and thank you for you’re time to go through with this interview! Would you introduce yourself to the readers for me?
My name is KingPanda I’m from Canada and I speak French.
How do you feel about being a captain of a master team?
Nothing special actually. It’s nice… [though] to be on top of the board.
Do you see your team making it into finals this season?
Yes I think its something possible and we'll do whatever we can [to make it to finals.]
What tips could you give to potential new players looking to get into the game?
Like one of my favorite youtuber’s said: practice makes perfect.
Thanks again for answering my questions today! Have an amazing day.
Thanks you tooo!
We are very excited to be announcing the partnership between VRML and Resolution Games for their newest game: Ultimechs! We will have more news soon relating to the preseason coming up, but until then we need your help!
VRML is a community based league that could not happen if we did not have help from you. Our League Moderator and Production Team applications are open to community members looking to help build and grow the Ultimech VRML community.
Moderator Application https://forms.gle/FGUu2VjKUiMDuMHt7
Description found within the application.
Production Application https://forms.gle/U3JdioLD9cuid684A
Description https://vrmasterleague.com/Volunteers.
If you have any questions please feel free to ask! Thank you for your interest and helping VRML grow its new Ultimechs community!