Survey Corpse

Greetings people all over the world! Understand that the Survey Corpse is here! There will not be any second chance to go against them once they win.

First of all, we have the Captain! She is one person that you shouldn't let them play seriously. But, also is the nicest person you will see out there. "Did y'all forget, I'm the thief of the group!" -Pam.

Rolling down to the next player Goodvibes-! Beware if you are going against him and that shall be your last warning. Don't be fooled, because once you are you will be his puppet. "You know what you should have done? Look at the disk, not me." -Vibes

Here comes the third person, vortexman013! Please, protect your goal from him! It might not look well after he has the disk. "I do not miss any shots!" -Vortex

Next, we have Jotaro_KujoSptw28! You will not know where he is but there is one place specific. Don't fear him, fear the fact that he will always be there watching your every move. "Just because I'm waiting for the clears, doesn't mean I'm doing nothing." Jo

The most important subs are here!

We have hi_peopleslol! One thing you need to keep in line is that she is the sweetest person ever. Don't expect her to go easy on you. "Get off of me!" -Bob

Selected season
Stats of Season 7 - 2023
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Map stats of Season 7 - 2023
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Past matches of Season 7 - 2023