Pavlov at VRML Con 2024!
by Leeloo |

Thanks to longtime community members and Vankrupt Games Devs, Pavlov got a booth at VRML's 2nd LIVE in-person event! Although they didn't get to play on the big stage, the players were treated to 3 new maps and a very cool set up in the McNichols Civic Center in Denver, CO.

Through the 2 days at the con the devs, Mr., Junt, MarkDey, and Fox, ran a 1v1 Pavlov Shack booth with 3 new maps made for 1v1 confrontations. There were 4 tournaments held with 12 to 16 player each. The format was best of 3 kills on 1 map with the final match being best of 3 maps. Players were provided with a Quest 3 to play on.


The winner of each tournament won $100, except the final tournament on the second day where the top 4 winners got prizes ($100 for 1st, $50 for 2nd, $25 for 3rd, and $25 for 4th) 


In addition, the devs were giving out Jared plushies, custom cups, and dogtags which give the player a special VRML AK skin (Shack only). Coupled with other goodies and HyperX gear giveaways, some players made out like bandits! Mr. caught the entirety with his gimbaled camera setup. We'll post the footage when it becomes available. 

These DEFCON players even got to catch a bit of the action on the Grand Stage! Here's to more VR Community and Pavlov in-person events!!