There are currently 325 active players in teams.
-Quod- LPD US
-redyellowblue Black-Ice
^2phoenix Old Guard Season 11 Champion
0.o Old People Season 12 Champion
2Shrp Made 4 More
300blkout TAINTED
3cK0!!! Virtual Assassins Season 13 Champion!
3JRock Black-Ice Season 12 Champion
4uk CyBeer Catlets
900 Global Train Crakkaisbald
A Crying Seal Plutonium 10
A Fancy Cat DEFCON
Aceofspades ShelbyTavira
Aeon Cat'astrophy
aextropical Very Good Gamers
Agent015_I-BS-I Blackout Samurais
Aidenjam24 Da Homies
AirCon Old Guard
Akwedukt Blackout Samurais
Alan Unicornholers
Alexander.The.Goat Italian Warriors
Alexzom12 Valk
Andybojangles Mages Season 13 Champion
anryko Cat'astrophy
Atai007 The Four Horsemen
atillaofficial CyBeer Catlets
BadgerR Valk
banana_stickers Malice
basilmaz REKT Season 8, 9, 10 & 11 Champion
BC Compashka
beanstalk Mages Season 13 Champion
Beemo Friendly Fire Season 11 Champion
Bekou22 The Baguettes
Ben10dom1 LPD US
Bethink Hello World
BG_- DragonCxrpse
bluereaver Unicornholers
bodyshotbandit6 SunsetRavens
BoKaa ShelbyTavira
borisv13 Dream Team
BossPatriot MYRIAD
BotFM CyBeer Catlets
Bricktop DEFCON
BrinkHustler Dream Team
Broly_- Dystopia PV
Burnt LPD US
c00li9 Crimson Claw Season 9 & 10 Champion
callme69og666 MidnightRavens
CameronS Dream Team Season 1 Champion
Carter J Burke Clown Town
Chai CyBeer Catlets
ChellVR Precision Patrol
Chocobar999 Black-Ice
Clam SunsetRavens
Clint_Van_Cleef The Baguettes
Clipz vr Old People Season 11 Champion
CODE Finnish Bear Influenced
Comet Valk Season 13 Champion!
corbond0 Zero Dark Nerdy
Crackers Old Guard Season 8 Champion
Crane_Cone The Baguettes
Critical_DPS Cheshire
Crystal Daniel Valk
cyberkot CyBeer Catlets
cytrm the badgers
d0n Virtual Assassins Season 13 Champion!
Daff Starr PLants
DaFluffyPotato Dream Team
darudecoookie DownFall
DDN-Ghost DDN.
dead meme Valk
Dead_Gull Blacklist
Delayed Carbohydrate Zero Metabolism
Dennisonung LPD US
dewnis25 Zero Metabolism
DickNiaz BoSS Beretta's
Dimorva Zero Metabolism
DKS ForFun
Doom-Slayer Night Sentinels
Dorka_mies Finnish Bear Influenced
dougie but munchers
Dr. LoTUS Cheshire
Dr.Gonzo Wonder Land
Driver Dream Team
dsp Compashka
Dynamic BoSS BoSS Beretta's
E Cheshire
Eddiedash Young Money Clan
Eddy_412 Dystopia PV
Eggy Blacklist
Ehrenmann47 Virtual Assassins
en3rgyclaps MYRIAD
Endermate The Happy Camper
Ersushino Italian Warriors
EVEN MY CAT Compashka
EVILmorty Unicornholers Season 2 & 3 Champion
EXE-_ Young Money Clan