Is Your Squad Ready for Season 5?
by Leeloo |


That's when matches will be generated! Make sure your team is set to active around NOON EST. Otherwise, you'll have to wait until Week 2 to get matches. So don't waste any time! 
Need any help? Read the rest of this blogpost and join the Snapshot VR Discord server!



Make sure you take note of these dates!


The season is 8 weeks of regular matches and 3 weeks of post-season tournaments to determine the Champions. Every week during the regular season, teams will get assigned 1 opponent and schedule to play a match within that week. An extra challenge match may be played with a team within your skill-level. New teams will not have a visible MMR score. They will need to play 3 matches to be placed on the ladder and perhaps a 4th to determine the color of their star. More information about the ranking system and the divisions can be found in the Rules and in Discord.

"Roster Lock" is the 25th of February.  After this date, no roster changes may be made or the team will risk their qualification in the post-season tournaments. Post-season starts March 11th with the PlayOffs. And, we have a Mid-Season Cup! More information about these events and prize pool will be made available soon!

A team may sign up at anytime during the season before the Roster Lock. Some restrictions may apply regarding the qualification of teams for the post-season events.



  • Bacons BigSnake
  • BigSnake
  • NXL Lone Star Major 2023
  • NXL Mid Atlantic Major 2023
  • NXL Sunshine State 2023
  • NXL Windy City Major 2023
  • NXL World Cup 2022
  • NXL World Cup 2023



Here is your Squad Up Checklist:

1. Are you in the Discord server? If not, right this way
2. Are you looking for a team? Check out the recruitment channels in Discord and contact team captains in your region.
3. Already got a squad? Create a team! Make sure you've assigned your team captain and co-captain their roles and that at least one of you is in the Support Server
4. Have your teammates read the rules? Make sure to read them and then read them again here: Any updates to the rules will be announced in Discord. Feel free to ask questions!
5. Is your team set to "Active"? Make sure your team is activated prior to Monday, January 1st, Noon EST to get matches.
6. Have fun! 



Last but not least, follow us on all our social media to not miss casted match announcements, clipped plays, and general VR esports goodness!


See you in the arena!