Custom Map Tournament Starting on February 19th!
by Leeloo |

Dear Players,

We are excited to announce that the long-awaited Custom Map Tournament will kick off next monday/the 19th of february! It will be a Swiss-style best of 3 tournament with matches generated weekly every monday teams need to schedule. Registrations are open now! To register you have to go to the “My Team Page”( and click the "Check here to register in the Challenger Cup Group A" or B box. A is for EU, B for NA.

We have the goal to find the best custom-maps to be possibly added into the map-pool of season 16. That’s why we created a vote to find out your top 8 favorite custom-maps.These 8 maps will also be the map-pool for this tournament. Note that Shipyard and Arctic are excluded since they are well-known maps and do not make sense implementing. Map Pool:
1: Sand
2: Slums
3: Hook 2.0
4: Hangar
5: Paintball
6: Pestilence
7: Seastorm
8: Offshore platform


Other than that we are also thrilled to present you some rule changes that will be used in this tournament as tests to be possibly added into the season 16 ruleset:

- 5 Minute Round Timer instead of using 6 minutes.
- Changes on the jiggle rules.
The winner rule of the currently ongoing captain-poll will be the one used. That will be either:
Option A: Double Peek (Players may only quick peek two (2) times per three (3) seconds
Option B: Players may only quick peek one (1) time per two (2) seconds.

Announcement on that will follow!

Also, do NOT forget about the Between Realities Live Podcast where Nightfiree will do the biggest announcement in VRML’s history happening today at 4:00 PM EST!