Season 16, HERE WE GO!
by Leeloo |

Matches have been generated for our 16th season! So, if your team is still inactive, make sure your captain checks the "Active" box in the "My Teams" portion of the website. There will be more matches next week!



If you're new here, we play Uplink 5v5. Matches are generated every Monday after noon EDT. Every week during the regular season, teams will get assigned 1 opponent. We use "flex-scheduling", meaning that teams agree on a date and time to play their match within the week. An extra challenge match may be played with a team within your skill-level. Check the standings to find teams within your range.

To be considered eligible for a weekly match, a team must fulfill both requirements before matches are generated on Monday:
(1) Have "Is active and participating weekly" checked in the My Teams page.
(2) Have at least five rostered members on the team that are verified.

If you need help creating a team or recruiting players, scroll down to "ARE YOU READY?" or let us know in Discord. Community members and mods will guide you through it.

New teams will not have a visible MMR score right away. They will need to play 3 matches to be placed on the ladder and perhaps a 4th or 5th to determine the color of their star. More information about the ranking system and the divisions can be found in the Rules and in Discord.



- Abandoned
- Downfall
- Quarantine
- Snowpeak

- Bazaar
- Subway
- Egress
- Shipyard

- Cargo
- Suburbia
- Arctic
- USS Quest



Rounds of 5 or 6 Minutes?
Players decided rounds should be 6 minutes long. During the custom map tournament, roundtimers were set to 5 minutes. We've taken note of the criticism from the community through a poll. 6 minutes got the most votes. 

New Jiggle-Peak Rule
Just a quick note to avoid confusion: the new jiggle-peek rules tested inthe custom map tournament will be used in Season 16. They worked out well! Refer to the Rules page for details.

And, Reminder
VRML Onward broadcasts moved off of Twitch and is now on Youtube! You can find all the action at Be sure to subscribe to the channel so you will get notified of all the streamed match ups!



Here is your Squad Up Checklist:

1. Are you in the Discord server? If not, right this way
2. Are you looking for a team? Check out the recruitment channels in Discord and contact team captains in your region.
3. Already got a squad? Create a team! Make sure you've assigned your team captain and co-captain their roles and that at least one of you is in the Support Server
4. Have your teammates read the rules? Make sure to read them and then read them again here: Any updates to the rules will be announced in Discord. Feel free to ask questions!
5. Is your team set to "Active"? Make sure your team is activate to get matches. The admins put all teams as "inactive" last week to make sure there are no false starts when matches are generated.
6. Have fun! 



Last but not least, follow us on all our social media to not miss casted match announcements, clipped plays, and general VR esports goodness!


See you on the battlefield!