1 Robo Electric Kitten Team 12 12 0 357 1300
2 Dream Team 15 10 5 349 1260
3 MyDemotedListManagedByNotKiwi 15 9 6 359 1240
4 Jabberwocky 15 9 6 382 1230
5 Wonder Land 15 9 6 373 1230
6 NARC_0S 17 10 7 426 1230
7 Soulstice 15 8 7 368 1220
8 Black-Ice 14 8 6 348 1220
9 The 8-Basils 16 8 8 381 1200
10 DEFCON 15 8 7 335 1180
11 DownFall 16 7 9 367 1180
12 Vortex 6 5 1 164 1170
13 FLYING KIWIS 15 7 7 334 1170
14 Mug Maniacs 3 1 2 40 1160
15 Shack Attack 6 2 4 125 1150
16 TAINTED 16 5 11 321 1140
17 Barq's Mug and Bizon 8 2 6 126 1130
18 Night Shift 4 1 3 92 1120
19 Unicornholers 12 4 7 164 1120
20 Ace High 8 2 6 120 1110
21 Wait this isn't echo!! 5 0 5 16 1110
22 Homeland Esport 13 3 10 250 1110
23 Goliaths Koi Fish 1 0 1 0 TBD